1. Combine the two sentences into a cause and effect sentence. a. jenice got home late. she missed her TV program


1. Combine the two sentences into a cause and effect sentence.
a. jenice got home late. she missed her TV program
b. Alvin missed the bus. he got up late
c. My brother does not sleep very well . the neighborhood is noisy​


a. Jenice missed her TV program because she got home late. (Cause and effect sentence: The cause is getting home late, and the effect is missing the TV program.)

b. Alvin missed the bus because he got up late. (Cause and effect sentence: The cause is getting up late, and the effect is missing the bus.)

c. The neighborhood being noisy affects my brother's sleep. (Cause and effect sentence: The cause is the noisy neighborhood, and the effect is my brother's poor sleep.)

  • Untuk membuat kalimat "cause and effect", kita perlu menggabungkan dua kalimat yang saling terkait dan menjadikan satu kalimat yang menyatakan hubungan sebab-akibat antara keduanya.
  • Pada kalimat a, kita dapat menyatakan bahwa akibat dari pulang larut malam adalah ketinggalan acara TV.
  • Pada kalimat b, kita dapat menyatakan bahwa akibat dari bangun terlambat adalah ketinggalan bus.
  • Pada kalimat c, kita dapat menyatakan bahwa faktor gangguan kebisingan dari lingkungan memengaruhi kualitas tidur sang adik.

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