Drinking water is often considered unimportant for many people. In fact

Drinking water is often considered unimportant for many people. In fact, water has important functions for our body as 50 to 70 percent of the human body is water. Lack of water intake can cause a number of health problems such as dehydration and kidney disorders. There are many reasons why drinking water is important.
First, water helps digest food and transport nutrients throughout our body. Interstitial fluid that is obtained from water intake is also important for regulating body temperature and producing saliva.
Second, sufficient water intake helps our kidney work properly. The kidney processes around 200 liters of blood everyday. This organ also filters waste andbrings urine to our bladder, in order to work well, the kidney requires adequate water to detox impurities from the body. In addition, drinking enough water helps moisture our skin. It also makes our skin bright and feels fresh.

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Importance of Drinking Water for the Human Body

Dalam teks di atas, penulis menjelaskan pentingnya minum air bagi tubuh manusia. Air memiliki fungsi penting dalam tubuh kita, dan kekurangan asupan air dapat menyebabkan masalah kesehatan seperti dehidrasi dan gangguan ginjal. Teks tersebut juga menjelaskan beberapa alasan mengapa minum air penting, seperti membantu pencernaan makanan, mengangkut nutrisi ke seluruh tubuh, menjaga suhu tubuh, dan membantu kerja ginjal. Berdasarkan penjelasan ini, judul terbaik untuk teks tersebut adalah "Importance of Drinking Water for the Human Body" (Pentingnya Minum Air bagi Tubuh Manusia).

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